Jul 19, 2011

Cute little things Leah does

A few days ago Leah was playing horsie on top of me and when she left Alex started kissing my back, Leah came back and started giving lots of kisses too, with the sound and everything! If Daddy lays his head in my lap, so does she. When I lay on the floor she does too. She copies everything!

When we ask for kisses, she gives us a pack. Some times she attacks us, even without us asking she'll just give tons of kisses leaving us all drooly. 

When we ask for a hug she lays her head down on our shoulder and pats our backs.

When we ask "Where's Leah??", she covers her face with her little hands and hides.

When she accomplishes something we say "Yaayyy" and she'll clap her hands. A little while ago I just said "Good job Leah, very good!" and she didn't forget to clap her hands to congragulate herself.

I think what she likes most to do is read books, actually just page through them since she turns the page before i finish reading it. She brings books to me, when I sit on the floor to read to her she sits in my lap all excited. When we finish she gets up to get another book and sits back in my lap to read it, then again and again and so it goes until I get tired and find something else to entertain her.

She is so cute and I love so much being with her all the time to see every cute little thing she does.

1 comment:

lanna balduino said...

Meu nome é Lana!
Adorei sua postagem,principalmente quando vc relata dos selinhos de sua filhota....muuito fofa,né?
Adorava quando o meu era bb,que fazia essa babozeira toda em mim(saudades).Hoje ele já cresceu um pouco e não ganhos mas beijoks assim!
bjão...Me visite quando puder,também!bjs