Jul 29, 2011

Playing workout

 Who needs to go to the gym when you have a walking baby??

First you walk half hour to get to the park. Once there, you run with your baby, climb stairs, slide down and crawl through tunnels many times. If you need to take a break, put the kid in the swing. Afterwards it's probably good if you try to wash off all the dirt on the kid's hands and legs. But the water only runs while you press the button... if you stop pressing the button, the water stops. With one hand you push the button and with the other hand you hold the kid, so how are suppose to wash it?? You can try it with super quick movements to keep up your rhythm or you can try hold the button with other body parts so you get a good stretch. Then you get to walk back home, up hill and pushing the stroller to increase intensity. And then you are home, sweating like a pig, with a happy, partially clean, sleeping like an angel baby, and you have gotten your day's work out. But if you're in a more advanced stage you still can: clean up all the toys, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, fold some laundry and clean the bathroom. Just don't forget to do all this during the morning, so when the baby takes the afternoon nap, you sleep too, because no one is made of steel, right?!   

Jul 19, 2011

Cute little things Leah does

A few days ago Leah was playing horsie on top of me and when she left Alex started kissing my back, Leah came back and started giving lots of kisses too, with the sound and everything! If Daddy lays his head in my lap, so does she. When I lay on the floor she does too. She copies everything!

When we ask for kisses, she gives us a pack. Some times she attacks us, even without us asking she'll just give tons of kisses leaving us all drooly. 

When we ask for a hug she lays her head down on our shoulder and pats our backs.

When we ask "Where's Leah??", she covers her face with her little hands and hides.

When she accomplishes something we say "Yaayyy" and she'll clap her hands. A little while ago I just said "Good job Leah, very good!" and she didn't forget to clap her hands to congragulate herself.

I think what she likes most to do is read books, actually just page through them since she turns the page before i finish reading it. She brings books to me, when I sit on the floor to read to her she sits in my lap all excited. When we finish she gets up to get another book and sits back in my lap to read it, then again and again and so it goes until I get tired and find something else to entertain her.

She is so cute and I love so much being with her all the time to see every cute little thing she does.

Jul 12, 2011

Like father, like daughter

Leah looks just like her father, and to look even more she uses the same expressions as him...

She's such a daddy mini-me!!

Jul 7, 2011

Development milestones

I will record here Leah's development milestones throughout this first year, before I forget it all.

Newborn: Raised her head with only a few hours of life.
              Gave her first smile (awake) in 3 days.

1 month: Raised her head and shoulders.
             Laughed for the first time.

2 months: Discovered her hands.
              Rolled to her side 
              Held onto things

3 months: Rolled over in both directions (tummy to back and back to tummy)
              Sat up with support and by herself for a few seconds.
              Discovered her feet.

4 months: Put her foot in her mouth.

5 months: Sat up without support.

6 months: Began to eat solids.  
               Stood up holding onto things.

7 months: Cut her first tooth (and her second).  
               Climbed up on things.  
               Said "dada".

8 months: Started walking supporting herself on furniture, 
               Learned to sign for milk, make hands gestures with 
              music, wave goodbye and sake her head to say "no".
              Said "mama".

9 months: Stood up without support.
               Started pointing at the things she wants.

10 months: Took her first steps.
                 Learned how to give kisses.

11 months: Steady walk.
                Cut 4 new teeth.
                Learned how to give hugs.

Jul 5, 2011

Leah's First Birthday

We decided to celebrate Leah's birthday in a way that she could enjoy and have lots of fun. We had a picnic with our family in a beautiful park. Leah was so happy the whole time, she got lots of nice presents and loved being outdoors with her loved ones. We had cupcakes and she had the whole cake witch she just ate a little bit of the frosting and had a blast destroying it. Then we took her to play in the House of Bounce. She sure had a great time, and so did we!!

Jul 2, 2011

1 Year!

Today I got this email from Baby Center:

"Happy birthday! Can you believe that it's been one year since that wonderful day that she was born? So many things have changed, in your life and your baby's.  If you had a dollar for every dirty diaper, for every shirt spit up on, and for every beautiful smile your daughter gave, you would be sure to have enough to buy the wonderful flower arrangement that you deserve!"

I would be able to buy a lot more than just a simple flower arrangement!! Hahaha, but it is hard to believe that a full year has gone by since that beautiful day. I can still feel the emotion of that moment, the joy of holding for the first time my little baby, so tiny, so fragile, so dependent. Today she walks everywhere, does cute litle things, makes clear what she wants, shows her strong personality... and I just think about how I am thankful to Heavenly Father for sending me a baby so wonderful, so sweet, so happy. She is our greatest joy, and we love her unconditionally.

Happy Birthday Little Princess!!!