Oct 30, 2013

Kylie's first months

Whenever we've had a baby, Alex always makes sure he takes 2 weeks off of work. It's a very special time for our family. It's like we pause the world outside and live in our own time while getting adjusted to the life with a new baby.  Day and night get mixed up but we don't feel so tired because we take turns sleeping. I do all the feeding, he does all the changing, it's a team effort. This time, having another child needing care and attention, it was even more important having Alex's presence these first days. I got to go on a few dates with Leah and vice-versa, she got lots of one-on-one time with both of us. It really feels like a vacation for us, we enjoy going out - "newborn" is our favorite time to do things with a baby, they just sleep all the time. But when Alex has to go back to work, that's when reality kicks in. I really can't complain, we have really good babies. Leah was a very easy baby so we were afraid that our luck would run out and the next baby would be the opposite, but Kylie is just as good. Didn't cry very much, had no colics, ate well, slept well. I know for some families a newborn can be very difficult, but it's not our case, our newborn girls were both a piece of cake but they take more and more work as they grow.

Both of them 3 days old, in the same spot and smiling for the first time.

We were anxious to see what Leah's reaction to the new baby would be like. I knew she was going to love her sister but I was still surprised that she never showed not even a little bit of jealousy. We were so worried about continuing to show our love for her and giving her attention once the baby was here, but she didn't need any adjusting, she sure felt like we did, like Kylie had always been part of our family, like she had always been here. Leah wanted to hold Kylie all the time, always wanted to be close the baby. She was so in love, we all were.

So happy her little sis was home!

Kylie was a very good baby during her first months. When she was 2 weeks old, right after Alex got back to work, she stared fussing after feeding, crying sometimes until she got tired enough to sleep, she also spit up a lot and even threw up a couple times. I went to see a lactation consultant afraid she could have reflux, but she had gained weight pretty well and the problem was actually that she was eating too much. She started nursing just one side at time and she was a happy baby again. She loved laying on the floor, and it sure made things a lot easier for me. When she got a little bigger she started sitting on the bumbo seat and she just loved watching whatever I was doing. One thing she didn't like though was tummy time, so she quickly found a way to escape. She wasn't even one month old yet when she rolled from tummy to back for the first time. We knew she wasn't really doing on purpose, she just could't balance the weight of her head, and she was already lifting it so high she just kind of tipped over, but yet still impressive.   

She was blessed on May 12. It was mothers day, a beautiful spring morning and she sure looked adorable in her first white dress.

Here's the first video we made for Kylie and it covers a little of her first two months of life.

He hair used to stick up a lot. We loved her messy style but it started to stay down when she was about 5 months old. 

Not sure what I love the most in this picture, whether it's Leah reading
books to Kylie or if it's Kylie's hair.

Some of her development milestones:
Started smiling - 3 days
Rolled from tummy to back - 1 month
Found her hands - 1 month
Started laughing - 1 1/2 month
Rolled from back to tummy - 3 months
Found her toes - 3 months
Learned to blow raspberries - 4 months
Sat up without support - 5 months
Cut first tooth - 5 1/2 months
Started eating solids - 6 months
Started crawling - 7 months

I miss those first months, miss my cuddling baby. She's now 7 months old and so wiggly.
She's very curious and she basically throws herself out of our arms to touch and see things.
She now has 4 teeth  (2 incisors on the bottom and 2 canines on the top).
She's very good eating vegetables, she likes specially the green ones, but she's not doing so good with fruits - she makes funny faces when eating them, like I'm giving her the sourest thing on earth. She loves oatmeal cereal so I mix up the fruits with the cereal but I'm still trying to get her to eat plain fruits.
She loves to watch Leah running and jumping around, however she gets nervous when Leah is too close and I don't blame her, sometimes Leah hugs too much.
She can drink from a straw.
She's probably going through the separation anxiety already. She screams every time she sees me leave her side.
She likes to sleep with a blanket on her face. A couple months ago all we needed to do was put a blanket on her face and she would close her eyes instantly. Now she's a little more difficult to fall asleep but she still loves to sleep holding a blanket up to her face or rubbing my shirt on her nose while nursing.  
She's loving her new ability to move and get into the things. She has fun discovering and playing with random objects in the house.
She's a happy, very smiley baby. We love her so much and are so glad that she's part of us.

Oct 21, 2013

The newest addition

So it's been a while again. I just thought Alex's post was so nice that I wanted to keep it on top of this blog forever. ;)

Today a friend asked with this blog was sill active. I noticed that our new baby is already 7 months old and she was never seen at this blog. It's about time for a new post and this one is going to be all about the newest addition to our family. So let's go back to the very beginning.


Pregnancy of baby #2 was great. I just love being pregnant. I don't love all the heart burns and pelvic pressure which were both a lot worse this time around. But it's just so incredibly amazing growing a little human inside yourself. I enjoy every little bit of the "cooking" process. Feeling the baby move is one of most amazing feelings. I also love having a basketball belly. We didn't feel the need to have a doctor appointment every month. I had an appointment during the first weeks after we found out about the pregnancy and while we were in Brazil we had an ultrasound to find out the sex at 16 weeks. We didn't get back to regular appointments until I was 30 weeks along. The hospital staff didn't like that at all and I had to prove them that I wasn't a high risk pregnancy so I could be kept being seen by the midwives. It was fun to compare this pregnancy with the first one.

Leah didn't quite get the idea of having a baby growing in my belly, but she was always very sweet with it. She would hug and kiss and talk to her baby sister. We would always talk about the baby and also got some books about new babies. Towards the end of the pregnancy, Leah started including the baby in her drawings and also when talking about our family. It cracked me up when she noticed that it wasn't  just the three of us anymore. 

22 weeks
28 weeks
32 weeks

35 weeks
37 weeks
39 weeks
I love this picture of how I used to see Leah when she would hug my legs, then look up at me while asking for something. 

Leah was born a week earlier than my due date. We weren't expecting that, so we really didn't get a chance to go through the "just waiting" phase. But baby #2 did let us experience that this time around. I thought that picking up a toddler and running around with her would help labor start sooner. With this in mind and the previous experience helped me to be ready and "just waiting" by the time I was full term. We actually made it to 40 weeks, it was a sweet wait, wondering when the baby would come, waking up every morning thinking "today can be the day", watching my body close for any sign of labor. Alex would get home and ask if I was feeling something before saying anything else.

The Birth

It was the day after my due date. I droped Alex off at City Hall early in the morning and headed back home when I noticed I had lost my plug. Finally a sign of labor that we had already been waiting for so long now, I was so excited! It was how everything started with Leah, so I knew that the baby would be here within a day or so. I wanted to tell Alex but he was spending the day with a police officer (he's now studying criminal justice in school). It was a day he was looking forward to and I wanted him to enjoy it and not be worried about me. So I kept all my excitement to myself. I did tell Leah that her baby sister was coming but she had heard that many times in the last days so she didn't think it was any different. I don't even know when I started having contractions, but they were more noticeable around noon. I had an appointment that afternoon which had no point in me going to if I was in labor, but I just didn't want to stay at home. They checked my blood pressure and the baby's heart beat. Everything was ok. When I told my midwife I was having contractions she asked if  I wanted to check my dilatation and I said no, because I would probably be checking in the hospital pretty soon anyways. I left the hospital and went to get Alex. I had two contractions on our way home, it's probably not a very good idea to be driving while in labor. Alex was excited telling me all about his day, I just listened to him and didn't tell him I was in labor until we got home. I went to finish mine and Leah's bag to go to her grandparents house. It was late afternoon and the contractions started to progress and get strong really fast. We started to count the intervals, they were 5 minutes apart. Soon enough I wasn't able to move during the contractions anymore. Grandpa came to get Leah and we got in the hospital around 6pm. I was dilated to 6 and 100% effaced.

Even though I was still able to handle the contractions I decided not to wait for it get any stronger and go straight for the epidural. Because I was strep B positive and was far in active labor, they hurried to get my IV placed. Within 30 minutes I was on antibiotics and had the anesthesia in. The rushed, busy room got very quiet after a little bit and soon it was just Alex and me waiting for our baby girl to work her way down. Alex put on a movie to watch but all I could do was watch the clock, wondering how much longer it would take, and what time she would be here. Heart burn was killing me so I took some medicine with a very strong taste that was supposed to help. I don't know if it was the medicine or just the labor that made me feel nauseous. We rang for the nurse to come get us a bowl or something, Alex was trying to help look, but I couldn't hold it anymore, I don't think the nurse heard me, but I said something like "It's coming!".  Alex was quick enough to grab the water pitcher and put that in front of me for me to throw up in... Around midnight the nurse came in to check on me and suddenly I felt nauseous again, I threw up a second time and my water broke from the force of me heaving. Because of the anesthesia I didn't feel all the water, but I felt something pop. Sure enough, when we moved the blankets, all the bed sheets were soaking wet. They checked me, I was dilated to 10 and ready to go. I gave one push and she was already crowing, both Alex and the midwife talked about all the hair she had while the nurse asked me to wait while she was getting some equipment ready. I asked for a mirror and was able to watch everything. I pushed again and her head came out. One more push and she was out completely. The anesthesia worked like a charm, didn't feel any pain, but felt her being born. It was amazing! She came straight to my arms and I was showered with love. Alex cut the umbilical cord and I got to hold her for over 2 hours before they took her to be cleaned, measured, etc. It was such a precious bonding time that meant a lot to me. 

Kylie Maria Kendrick chose a fun date, and a fun time to be born. 03/13/13 @ 00:07 am. Our special agent weighted 7 lb 10 oz and measured 20 1/2 inches. She was so pretty and everybody kept talking about all of that dark hair. 

In the morning Leah came to see us. I didn't want her first impression being of me holding the baby, so Nana came to hold Kylie and we met Leah in the hall and explained to her that Kylie had arrived, and that she was a big sister now! We went all together to meet the baby. Leah loved her baby sister from the very first moment. She was so sweet, wanted to hug and kiss the baby all the time. 

And then there was 4!