Here are the words she says:
Mama: it's hard for her to say it, she only says it when she's sad with something and wants me to hold her, but it's still rare for her to say it, I don't even remember the last time she said, so long ago... =(
Hi: the word that she dominates, she says it to everything and everyone whenever they don't give her enough attention.
Uh-oh: she says it when we drop, or she throws, something on the floor.
No: says it no anything she doesn't wanna have or do, it usually comes in eco "No, no, no..." And some times sounds like she tries to say in Portuguese "Nhã".
Oh no!: she just says it all of sudden, sometimes it comes with "Uh-oh".
Tái-tá: trying to say "Cai, cai", when a sing a little song for her.
Newest cute little things:
-She folds her arms and whispers and it's prayer time.
-When I put her shoes on she runs to the door. She knows that we are going for a walk.
-She puts her hands in her head when we ask "Where's your head?".
-She does the hand gestures for this song called "Cai, cai balão".
-She's dancing a lot now, before she wouldn't care about dancing, but now will get her groove on for every little song.
-She loves to throw things in the garbage can, I already lost some fridge magnets because I didn't dare to take them out of a full trash can, but I just had to rescue her sandals.
-She's very lovely lately, her hugs are stronger and her kisses longer. Cutie!
I love Leah Hugs and Kisses.
Oi querida!! Só hoje consegui passar por aqui e agradecer todo o carinho que vc tem deixado lá pelo blog!! Obrigado!!! Sua pequena é uma fofura mesmo!!!
Beijos mil pra vocês!!!
Ai, que linda!!! Muito fofa!!
Parabéns pela linda filhota!
Lindissima!!!! Faz tempo que eu nao visitava seu blog... continua ótimo!!!
Tudo de bom para voce!!!
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