Alex is a wonderful person, a good citizen, attentive, the kind that pulls over to push by himself a woman's broken car, which was causing a big traffic jam, but nobody else was willing to help. The kind that unplugs the neighbor's gutters and shovels the snow out of their driveways. He's always willing to help and that one of the qualities that a admire most in him.
He's a passionate, romantic, sensitive, creative and funny husband. The kind that gets home with two toy guns and has us run around the house shooting each other like children, and then he lays on the bed and says that I shot his heart and is dying of love. The kind that hangs kisses (the chocolate) on our ceiling because he wants to shower me with a "rain of kisses", he took from a piece of a poem he wrote for me when we were dating:
If a kiss was a drop of water, I would give you rain.
If a hug was a second, I would give you hours.
If affection was sand, I would give you a beach.
If love was one person, I would give you myself.
(Alex Kendrick)
That's another quality, he's a poet! He writes beautiful poems.
He's a great daddy. The kind that changes the baby's diapers, bathes her, feeds her, plays with her, puts her to sleep, gets up in the middle of the night to take care of her. The days that he doesn't work he gets up early and stays with Leah so I can sleep a little more. He does everything except for nursing, but he would lay on the floor while I was feeding Leah just to be with us.
He's a dedicated professional. The kind that takes a pie in the face for a competition to animate the staff in the bank that he manages to help achieve the goals. He doesn't think only on achieving the bank's goals but in doing his best so the customers will be satisfied with the bank's services. When I say he's the best Wells Fargo has, I'm not kidding, I really mean it.
The other day he came to me with a video he made below and said "I just wanted say I love you in a different way".
I'm really lucky, ain't I?
I love you honey! I wish I had half of your creativity to say it in a different way..
Que lindo Day!! Vocês formam um casal tão lindo.
You are both very lucky! Love this blog!
Eu não podia nunca acreditar que eu ia ter a sorte nem o chance de poder encontrar, namorar, e até casar com uma mulher como você. É sério, não consigo imaginar a vida sem ter você do meu lado. Adoro o que a gente têm, é único mesmo. Não vou poder nunca explicar quanto eu sinto por você alem de dizer eu amo e tentar fazer umas coisas para você. Mas também amor é só uma palavra, o que importa é o sentimento que significa. Pode dar tantas palavras que quiser, mas nunca vai ninguém poder achar a definição mesmo de uma coisa que é eterna. E é isso que meu amor é para você, duradoura, permanente, e eterno. Amo você minha princesa, obrigado por ser minha!
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