Jan 14, 2011

Introducing Solids

After 6 months of exclusive breast feeding, Leah began to discover the world of flavors, and it has been very entertaining!!  Every day when I give the first spoonful she makes a funny face, but eats it just the same. The first thing she ate was sweet potatoes, she didn’t really know what to do and ended up just trying to lick the spoon, but she caught on quick. She’s already tried sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, plums, rice cereal and carrots, in that order. Until now the only thing she really didn’t like was the rice cereal.  But I think it was because I didn’t get the texture right and it ended up being to thick.  Poor little Leah, she was so excited to eat and when I gave her the cereal she just about threw up.

Giving her food is a battle. Not because she doesn't wanna eat, but because she's very active and she can't sit still. She doesn’t stop moving, throws herself back, hangs off the sides, drops her head, licks the chair and always wants to grab the spoon. When we’re done I don’t know if there is more food in her tummy or on the table.


Katia said...

Tadinha, ele não gostou mesmo do cereal de arroz.. hahaha mas a minha é do mesmo jeito, mas você pode misturar 2 colheres (baby spoon) de cereal na papinha dela, porque dai ela recebe todos os nutrientes e come o que gosta. Minha cunhada que me falou isso, mas também li na caixa do ceral (try mixing with fruit and veggie purees for added variety and texture). Espero que ajude :)

Juliana Stak said...

Oi Dayane! Descobri seu blog! hehehe
Vamos manter contato =)

Steven and Sabrina Jenks said...

Day nao sabia que voce tinha um blog ja estou add aos meus favoritos! Se vc quiser ver meu blog da familia me avisa e me manda um email do gmail q eu te adiciono. Beijos.

Familia Nascimento said...

Oi day tb tenho um blog mais tava desativado...dani que fez pra mim...mas agora que fiz um da escola tb, prometo atualizar mais o meu!
Adorei as fts de Leah, agente fica besta com qualuqer coisa que eles fazem né...

Parabéns pelo cuidado com ela ... espero que ela seja linda e dedicada como vc!

Me add

*Familia Nascimento