Jul 29, 2011

Playing workout

 Who needs to go to the gym when you have a walking baby??

First you walk half hour to get to the park. Once there, you run with your baby, climb stairs, slide down and crawl through tunnels many times. If you need to take a break, put the kid in the swing. Afterwards it's probably good if you try to wash off all the dirt on the kid's hands and legs. But the water only runs while you press the button... if you stop pressing the button, the water stops. With one hand you push the button and with the other hand you hold the kid, so how are suppose to wash it?? You can try it with super quick movements to keep up your rhythm or you can try hold the button with other body parts so you get a good stretch. Then you get to walk back home, up hill and pushing the stroller to increase intensity. And then you are home, sweating like a pig, with a happy, partially clean, sleeping like an angel baby, and you have gotten your day's work out. But if you're in a more advanced stage you still can: clean up all the toys, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, fold some laundry and clean the bathroom. Just don't forget to do all this during the morning, so when the baby takes the afternoon nap, you sleep too, because no one is made of steel, right?!   

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm still laughing and feeling envious of your work out!! Wait, my kitchen still needs to be cleaned…..maybe you can come do mine next?