May 22, 2011

Leah goes to the Zoo

Yesterday Alex won a trip to the zoo, a dinner, and a night stay at a fancy hotel from the bank that he works at.  Leah loved the whole thing, she just couldn't stay at the dinner with us, but her grandparents went there and took her to eat dinner in a different restaurant.  I'm sure she had a lot more fun there than if she had been with us.  Leah was so excited playing in the hotel that I slept before she did...  Haha We loved everything, but Leah was for sure the one that got the most out of it!

We didn't take a lot of pictures, but here are a few...

This is her face that she makes when she's done eating 

My favorite picture! Hahaha


Katia said...

Que passeio bom hein!!

Susan said...

Leah, we had so much fun with you at the restaurant. Let's go on another date soon! Love Grandma!