Feb 7, 2011

Tooth ho!

Last Thursday I was having lunch with some friends and when one of them asked if Leah had any teeth yet, I said "Not yet and I'm not even excited for that, for me she can be toothless for a little longer". When we got home Leah was playing with her daddy and, like always, biting his fingers when he made a surprised face and said "I felt something!" When I went to check it out I jumped and screamed like crazy "She's teething!! She's teething!!"
Is it possible to not get excited with your baby's milestone??
The best thing is that she isn't fussy, it doesn't seem like she's having any problem with it, at least until now. But trying to see her tooth is a hard thing, she sticks her tongue out and don't let us to see it. So we have to exercise our faith... we can't see, but we can feel it.


Katia said...

Hahaha mas é uma luta para ver esses dentinhos mesmo, pior ainda é tirar foto.. kkkk

amandaebenanderson.blogspot.com said...

que lindaaaa... isabella tambem ja rasgou e da pra ver mesmo, ainda bem que aleah nao ficou chatinha, parabens leah pelos dentinhosss

Susan said...

lol....using our faith to see baby's teeth! I love that! You are so clever Dayane.......and I just looked at all of Leah's pictures again, and I just want to come back over and play again. Can you put some of her pictures of her in that black shirt up so that I can steel them from you. I love those! She is beautiful like her Mom and Dad.

Daiany said...

Oh como bebê é tudo igual e como mãe tb!
E como toda mãe é besta!!!!!!!!!!!kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
O mais interessante é nossa cara,quando eles fazem algo novo!